Interview with Gaia Tarsi: “If you like science, give it a try!”

 Gaia Tarsi is PhD student at GREYC since November 2022, she is a Material Scientist and Engineer. Her current interests are semiconductors and microelectronics.

Nicola Manca presented an invited talk about "Complex Oxides Micromechanics" in the framework of the weekly meetings of the Oxide Super Spin(OSS) core-to-core program.

OSS is an international network of experimental and theoretical groups in the UK, Japan, South Korea, and Italy leading a programme to explore novel superconductivity at oxide superconductor interfaces with magnetic materials and in nanodevices.

Congratulation to Gaia Tarsi who received her Master degree in Material Science from the University of Genoa discussing a thesis entitled "Fabrication and characterization of microelectromechanical systems based on EuTiO3" !

Ingo Hilschenz presented a poster entitled “OXiNEMS - Oxide Nanoelectromechanical Systems for Ultrasensitive and Robust Sensing of Biomagnetic Fields” during the poster session on OPM, MCG and hardware at the 22nd International Conference on Biomagnetism, held in Birmingham, United Kingdom, from August 28th- September 1st 2022.



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